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Thursday, 4 November 2010

facebook - so easy to connect even for the slowest connections

Social Networking was a taboo word for me ever since I started using the internet.One Reason wasI used to use public computers exclusively for the purpose. Whatever network of friends I could build was throuh Ymessenger, Rediff blog etc. Though not of any prudence to my wellbeing, these messengers were quite good methods to kill time. Obviously that was the only thing they were good for. Any friend you got was probably a one time affair especially ones of the opposite sex and when ever a chat sesson expired it was much more distressful than how it began, thorughly exhausted it was hardly amusing to look forward to the next one, add to that is the constant bombardment of pronographic material in common chatrooms was a huge turn off.

The people u come across on messengers are either complete strangers or fakers. The information u may voluntarily divulge too has to be scrutinised further and further. In an effort to reduce the defecit if u go for any geographical proximity options you would either end up being a loner. By any luck if u happen to bumb into someone, keep talking they would ask for so much info that u tend to brand them 'a stalker' and turn off the blog at once. If it was a female, probably we get excited ourselves and get branded ' Stalkers to Keep Out" - strange.

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